ADMISSIONS OPEN: Admissions are open for the year 2024-25. For more details and prospects contact: 9666211144, 8498053328, 9666637234,


I warmly welcome you to Behara Group Of Educational Institutions in Narava, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. My vision is to cultivate motivated, responsible, and disciplined youth to contribute to a better future for our nation. Education, being a powerful tool for change, enables us to shape aspiring professionals with holistic development who actively contribute to our country's progress. Our dedicated faculty, with its wealth of experience, nurtures and inspires young minds through a balanced approach encompassing strong academics, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities.

The intersection of globalization, rapidly advancing technologies, and contemporary managerial practices has transformed the landscape of professional and technical education. Our commitment involves empowering students with the expertise to excel in their professions, fostering adaptability, flexibility, and a high Emotional Quotient to navigate dynamic business environments successfully. Notably, our institution boasts modern infrastructure, facilitating students in staying updated with knowledge while maintaining a harmonious blend of current educational trends and enduring national values.

Behara Group Of Educational Institutions has established itself as a proficient modern technical consortium in the Andhra Pradesh region, India, offering high-quality and meaningful education. Our aspiration is to elevate Behara Group Of Educational Institutions, Visakhapatnam, to be recognized among the top institutions in India. I invite all stakeholders to join us in this journey and contribute to fortifying our commitment to position this institution as a preferred global destination for Higher Education.

I take great pride in warmly inviting the exceptionally talented individuals of today to join the passionate, dedicated, knowledgeable, and energetic family at Behara Group Of Educational Institutions.