ADMISSIONS OPEN: Admissions are open for the year 2024-25. For more details and prospects contact: 9666211144, 8498053328, 9666637234,

Behara College of Engineering & Technology (BCET) was founded by ” Behara Group” in 2022 at Narava, Visakhapatnam City.

BCET, affiliated with Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, adheres to the university's curriculum and academic calendar. Semester-wise planning includes event calendars, faculty-prepared lesson plans, and timely internal/end semester examinations. Remedial classes support weaker students, and lab manuals complement lesson plans for practical classes. The institute fosters practical understanding through organized industrial visits, connecting theoretical knowledge with real-world applications.

Andhra Pradesh is renowned for its automotive, power generation, and software development industries, prompting departments to organize visits for students to gain firsthand exposure to manufacturing, energy production, and cutting-edge developments in software and communication technologies. Industry support is prevalent in many final year projects, complemented by special lectures featuring distinguished faculty engineers from reputable universities, institutes, and industries. The institution ensures effective curriculum monitoring through department-specific Vision and Mission alignment with the overall institution's objectives.

The development of Program Education Objectives (PEOs) involves collaborative input from management, faculty members, students, technical staff, and stakeholders (alumni, parents, employers, etc.), with periodic updates based on feedback received. Each department's program is detailed in terms of Program Outcomes, ensuring alignment with graduate attributes. Additionally, individual faculty members formulate Course Outcomes (COs) for every subject taught within the program.